VPS Archives - Hivelocity Hosting https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/category/vps/ Dedicated Servers, Private Cloud & Colocation Thu, 25 Jul 2024 20:55:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6 VLAN Setup Guide – Dedicated Servers & VPSs https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/vlan-network-guide/ Thu, 25 Jul 2024 20:55:03 +0000 https://www.hivelocity.net/?post_type=hv_knowledgebase&p=33375   A virtual local area network (VLAN) is a way of creating multiple logical networks on a single physical network. VLANs can group devices or users based on different criteria, such as function, location, or security level. Devices in the same VLAN can communicate with each other directly, while devices in different VLANs need a …

VLAN Setup Guide – Dedicated Servers & VPSs Read More »

The post VLAN Setup Guide – Dedicated Servers & VPSs appeared first on Hivelocity Hosting.


A virtual local area network (VLAN) is a way of creating multiple logical networks on a single physical network. VLANs can group devices or users based on different criteria, such as function, location, or security level. Devices in the same VLAN can communicate with each other directly, while devices in different VLANs need a router or a switch to communicate.

VLANs enhance network performance, security, and management by reducing broadcast traffic, isolating sensitive data, and simplifying network design and deployment. They use tags to identify which network frames belong to which VLAN. Following the IEEE 802.1Q standard, VLANs include a 32-bit field that contains a VLAN identifier (VID) ranging from 1 to 4094.

This “VLANs Setup Guide – Dedicated Servers & VPSs” article will take you through setting up a VLAN using the automated system within the customer portal to allow you to connect dedicated servers while going even further by connecting them to your VPSs. The guide is divided into three sections, explaining how to create a VLAN for only dedicated servers, only VPSs, and both.

Connecting Dedicated Servers 

This process describes creating a VLAN for communication between your physical dedicated servers using the private link.

  1. Head over to Hivelocity.net and log in to the customer portal.
  2. Once logged in, the screen below will appear, listing all current devices.
    Devices page showing all of your assigned devices
    Devices Page Showing All Assigned Devices
  3. To add dedicated devices to a VLAN, the bonded interfaces would need to first separate to allow such communication. 
    1. Bonded interfaces allow for redundancy thus utilizing both the public and private interfaces. When connecting a device to a VLAN, that bond redundancy is broken to facilitate VLAN communication via the private interface while maintaining the public communication on the public interface.
    2. Note 1 – You must perform this bond breaking and interface enabling actions for any dedicated device planned to be added to a VLAN.
    3. Note 2 – Since not all devices are bonded, you can skip the next few steps involving breaking the bond if the device you’re working on is not bonded.
    4. Note 3 – Breaking the bond involves downtime as OS configuration would be required to reflect the changes made. For assistance with moving the OS configuration from a bonded setup to non-bonded in the OS please reach out to the Support team via chat or a support ticket.

  4. Press the device ID# that you wish to add to the network. For this example, #22811 was selected but note that the activity will be done for any dedicated device that is to be added to a VLAN.

    Device Main Page
    Device Main Page
  5. Press on the “Interfaces” button to view the existing interfaces and press on “UNBOND” to break the network bond followed by pressing on “Yes, Disable BOND0” when prompted to disable the bond.
    1. Note that you will be notified of a pending/queued network task. Wait a few minutes until the task is complete which will display on screen when the task is complete.

      Interfaces Page
      Interfaces Page
  6. Upon completion of the bond breaking process, the following screen will be presented indicating the successful bond breaking and the completed network task. Proceed to press on “Enable” in the eth1 section to enable the second interface which will be used for the network.
    1. Approve the action in the new prompt and allow a few minutes for the new network task to complete

      Bond Breaking Complete
      Bond Breaking Complete
  7. Proceed to select the “Networking” tab on the left side menu followed by selecting “VLANs” and “CREATE NEW VLAN”. 

    The VLANs page displays any active VLANs that you’ve configured through the portal
    The VLANs page displays any active VLANs that you’ve configured through the portal
  8. In the new screen you will be able to select between a “Public” and “Private” VLAN type and location.
      1. For VLAN Type, choose “Public” if you want to assign IPs to the network to make it reachable from the internet. Choose “Private” if the VLAN should never be reachable from the internet.
      2. For Location, select the facility where the network will be created. Only devices and subnets from the same facility are allowed in the network.
  9. For this example, “TPA2” is used since there are 5 devices at that location (2x Dedicated and 3x VPS). Next, select Private, as we wish to create a private network. Finally, press “ADD VLAN,” and the new VLAN will be created.

    Creating a new VLAN
    Creating a New VLAN
  10.  Now that a VLAN was created, adding the devices we wish to add is the next task. Proceed to press on the VLAN ID#.

    VLANs page displaying the newly created VLAN
    VLANs page displaying the newly created VLAN
  11. On the next page, proceed by pressing “Edit VLAN,” which will display the potential members available to add to the network. Specifically, in this case, these members are the two dedicated servers labeled clever-stonebraker.hivelocitydns.com and romantic-blackwell.hivelocitydns.com.
  12. Proceed to select the available devices that are to be added to the network and press on “COMMIT CHANGES”. 

    <yoastmark class=

  13. Press “Submit” to submit the network changes in the next prompt. Once the task is sent, the two devices from the list will disappear and a new network task will begin. Allow it A few minutes to process and upon completion you should see the newly created VLAN. 
  14. Once the process is complete, the device’s eth1 ports will be added accordingly in the “Ports” list for the newly created network. Communication between the two devices can now commence once configuration on the private interfaces is made in the OS of all involved devices.
    Devices Added to the VLAN
    Devices Added to the VLAN

Connecting Virtual Private Servers via VLAN

This process describes creating a VLAN that can be used between your virtual private servers (VPS) only.

  1. Head over to Hivelocity.net and log in to the customer portal.
  2. Once logged in, the screen below will appear, listing all current devices.
    Devices page showing all of your assigned devices
    Devices Page Showing All Assigned Devices
  3. Proceed to select the “Networking” tab on the left side menu followed by selecting “VLANs” and “CREATE NEW VLAN”.

    The VLANs page displays any active VLANs that you’ve configured through the portal
    The VLANs page displays any active VLANs that you’ve configured through the portal
  4. Proceed to create a new VLAN by pressing the “Create New VLAN” button. Here you will be able to select between a “Public” and “Private” VLAN type and location.
    1. For VLAN Type, choose “Public” if you want to assign IPs to the VLAN to make it reachable from the internet. Choose “Private” if the VLAN should never be reachable from the internet.
    2. For Location, select the facility where the VLAN will be created. Only devices and subnets from the same facility are allowed in the VLANs.
  5. For this example, we will use “TPA2” since there are 5 devices at that location (2x Dedicated and 3x VPS). Next, select Private, as we wish to create a private VLAN. Finally, press “ADD VLAN,” and the new VLAN will be created.

    Creating a new VLAN
    Creating a new VLAN
  6. Head over to the “VPS Networks” tab. This is where the network between the VPSs will be made. Press on “ADD VPS NETWORK”.

    VPS Networks page where you can view and create VPS networks to connect your VPSs.

  7. Fill the new VPS network with a “Network Name” of choice, the “Location” where the VPSs are located, and select the VLAN ID that was created in the previous steps. Press on “ADD NETWORK” once ready.

    Creating a VPS Network
    Creating a VPS Network
  8. Once the VPS network is created, it will be visible in the VPS Networks page. Press on the VPS network name that was created to edit it. Processing can take a few minutes before the VPS network appears so allow it some time.

    Newly Created VPS Network with VLAN Connectivity
    Newly Created VPS Network with VLAN Connectivity
  9. Press on the “ADD VPS DEVICE” button and select the VPSs you wish to add to the VPS network.
    1. Proceed to select each device and press on “ADD VPS DEVICE” for each.
    2. Allow a few minutes for each network task to complete per device being added.

      Empty VPS Network
      Empty VPS Network
      Adding VPSs to the Network VPS
      Adding VPSs to the Network VPS
  10. Once the process is complete, communication between the devices can now commence once configuration on the private interfaces is made in the OS of all involved devices.

    VPSs Added to the new VPS Network
    VPSs Added to the new VPS Network

Connecting Dedicated Servers & Virtual Private Servers 

This process describes creating a VLAN that can be used between dedicated servers and virtual private servers (VPS).

  1. Head over to Hivelocity.net and log in to the customer portal.
  2. Once logged in, the screen below will appear, listing all current devices.
    Devices page showing all of your assigned devices
    Devices page showing all of your assigned devices
  3. Proceed to select the “Networking” tab on the left side menu followed by selecting “VLANs” and “CREATE NEW VLAN”.

    The VLANs page displays any active VLANs that you’ve configured through the portal
    The VLANs page displays any active VLANs that you’ve configured through the portal
  4. Proceed to create a new VLAN by pressing the “Create New VLAN” button. Here you will be able to select between a “Public” and “Private” VLAN type and location.
    1. For VLAN Type, choose “Public” if you want to assign IPs to the VLAN to make it reachable from the internet. Choose “Private” if the VLAN should never be reachable from the internet.
    2. For Location, select the facility where the VLAN will be created. Only devices and subnets from the same facility are allowed in the VLANs.
  5. For this example, we will use “TPA2” since there are 5 devices at that location (2x Dedicated and 3x VPS). Next, select Private, as we wish to create a private VLAN. Finally, press “ADD VLAN,” and the new VLAN will be created.

    Creating a new VLAN
    Creating a new VLAN
  6. To establish a connection between the virtual private servers and dedicated servers proceed press on the VLAN ID that was just created.

    Editing the VLAN
    Editing the VLAN
  7. On the next page, proceed by pressing “Edit VLAN,” which will display the potential members available to add to the VLAN. Specifically, in this case, these members are the two dedicated servers labeled clever-stonebraker.hivelocitydns.com and romantic-blackwell.hivelocitydns.com.
  8. Select the available devices to add to the VLAN and press “Commit Changes.”

    <yoastmark class=

  9. Press “Submit” to submit the VLAN changes in the next prompt. After sending the task, the two devices from the list will disappear, and a new network task will begin. Allow it A few minutes to process and upon completion you should see the newly created VLAN. 
  10. Once the process completes, the device’s eth1 ports appear in the “Ports” list for the newly created VLAN.

    Devices Added to the VLAN
    Devices Added to the VLAN
  11. Head over to the “VPS Networks” tab. This is where the network between the VPSs will be made. Press on “ADD VPS NETWORK”.

    VPS Networks page where you can view and create VPS networks to connect your VPSs.

  12. Fill the new VPS network with a “Network Name” of choice, the “Location” where the VPSs are located, and select the VLAN ID that was created in the previous steps. Press on “ADD NETWORK” once ready.

    Creating a VPS Network
    Creating a VPS Network
  13. Once the VPS network is created, it will be visible in the VPS Networks page. Press on the VPS Network name that was created to edit it. Processing can take a few minutes before the VPS network appears.

    Newly Created VPS Network with VLAN Connectivity
    Newly Created VPS Network with VLAN Connectivity
  14. Press on the “ADD VPS DEVICE” button and select the VPSs you wish to add to the VPS network.
    1. Proceed to select each device and press on “ADD VPS DEVICE” for each.
    2. Allow a few minutes for each network task to complete per device being added.

      Empty VPS Network
      Empty VPS Network
      Adding VPSs to the Network VPS
      Adding VPSs to the Network VPS
  15. Once the process is complete, the VPSs that were added will display in the VPS Network.

    VPSs Added to the new VPS Network
    VPSs Added to the new VPS Network
  16. Now that the dedicated servers and VPSs are connected, communication between the devices can begin after configuring the private interfaces in the OS of all involved devices.

Configuring Communication & Private IPs Within the OS for VLAN-Connected Devices 

Now that you have a private network between your VPSs and Dedicated servers, you can communicate privately among them without having to dip into your public traffic quota.

To configure the private network between your devices within the OS, it is recommended that you contact Hivelocity Support team members by calling 888-869-4678, creating a support ticket via the customer portal, or reaching out via chat through the Hivelocity.net portal. If you would like to proceed on your own, an example is shown below with two AlmaLinux 9 in the displayed split screen.

  1. Login to your VPSs as root and use the command ip a to view that you now have “eth1” interface for private communication.

    Split view of both servers and their ip a command output
    Split view of both servers and their ip a command output
  2. Use the command nmtui to alter the network configuration on eth1.

    nmtui command’s GUI displaying the NetworkManager connection editing options
    nmtui command’s GUI displaying the NetworkManager connection editing options
  3. Press on “Edit a Connection” and select “Wired Connection 1” followed by selecting “<Edit…> to proceed.

    nmtui command’s GUI displaying the NetworkManager connection editing options for the private interface
    nmtui command’s GUI displaying the NetworkManager connection editing options for the private interface
  4. For example, we will use /24 so any IP address changes will be made only in the last octet.

    1. Select IPv4 Configuration – “Manual”
    2. The first device will be
    3. The second device will be


    nmtui command’s GUI displaying the NetworkManager connection options
    nmtui command’s GUI displaying the NetworkManager connection options
  5. Once done with the above, press “OK” and head back by pressing the Escape key once.
  6. Proceed to select “Activate a connection”.
  7. Select “Wired Connection 1” under “Ethernet (eth1) and Press on “Deactivate” followed by “Activate”.
  8. Press the Escape key until you are back in the shell.
  9. Now use the command ip a to see the new IP information we’ve added.

    Split view of both servers and their ip a command output with the newly added private IP
    Split view of both servers and their ip a command output with the newly added private IP
  10. Test the connection by pinging using the ping command to each device from one another. 
    1. If you are experiencing issues communicating between a VPS and a dedicated server, please reach out to the Support team so that they can review and escalate accordingly.
Ping output of both servers pinging each other to display a successful private connection over the new VPS network
Ping output of both servers pinging each other to display a successful private connection over the new VPS network

The post VLAN Setup Guide – Dedicated Servers & VPSs appeared first on Hivelocity Hosting.

VPS Hosting Product Guide https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/vps-hosting/ Fri, 17 May 2024 20:10:37 +0000 https://www.hivelocity.net/?post_type=hv_knowledgebase&p=31918 Introduction This quick start guide is designed to help you launch and manage your VPS, providing you with the essential knowledge to get your server up and running in no time. Whether you’re hosting a website, running a private gaming server, or managing a suite of web applications, a VPS offers you greater control over …

VPS Hosting Product Guide Read More »

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VPS Product Guide


This quick start guide is designed to help you launch and manage your VPS, providing you with the essential knowledge to get your server up and running in no time. Whether you’re hosting a website, running a private gaming server, or managing a suite of web applications, a VPS offers you greater control over your hosting environment. With this guide, you will learn how to set up your VPS,  select your operating system, secure your server, and optimize performance for a seamless online experience.

Getting Started

Managing Your VPS

The post VPS Hosting Product Guide appeared first on Hivelocity Hosting.

VPS Password Change Guide https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/vps-password-change-guide/ Mon, 12 Feb 2024 17:00:32 +0000 https://www.hivelocity.net/?post_type=hv_knowledgebase&p=31386 The root user is the superuser or administrator of your Linux operating system which has full access to all files, commands, and resources on the system, and can perform any operation without restriction. The root password for the root user should be kept secret and secure, as anyone who knows it can gain complete control over …

VPS Password Change Guide Read More »

The post VPS Password Change Guide appeared first on Hivelocity Hosting.

The root user is the superuser or administrator of your Linux operating system which has full access to all files, commands, and resources on the system, and can perform any operation without restriction. The root password for the root user should be kept secret and secure, as anyone who knows it can gain complete control over the system. It is also crucial to change the password periodically to prevent unauthorized access.

To change the root password of your VPS, follow the steps below for the full VPS password change guide.

Changing the VPS Root Password

To change the root password of your VPS, proceed with the following steps.

  1. Head over to Hivelocity.net and login to the customer portal.
  2. Once you’ve gone through the login process. The screen below will appear, listing all of your current devices. 
    1. You can note which device is VPS and which is a dedicated server by looking at the “Type” column as needed.


      VPS Device List
      VPS Device List
  3. Press on the device of interest that you wish to change the VPS password for. For this example, we will select device 33890 from the list.
  4. Power off the VPS by pressing the “Power Off” button.


    Powering off the VPS for the VPS Password Change
    Powering off the VPS for the VPS Password Change
  5. Press on the “Admin” tab.
  6. Press on the “Reset Password” button under the “Password Reset” section at the bottom of the page.


    Reset Password Button as Part of the VPS Password Reset Process
    Reset Password Button as Part of the VPS Password Reset Process
  7. Once step 6 is performed, a notification will appear on the screen to inform you that an email has been sent with a link to confirm the password change.
  8. Check your inbox for the email and proceed to press on the link accordingly. This step will reset your password which will appear in the main device page about 5-10 minutes later.


    New VPS Password Following the VPS Password Change Process
    New VPS Password Following the VPS Password Change Process
  9. Proceed to power on your VPS and test the new password you’ve been provided.

The post VPS Password Change Guide appeared first on Hivelocity Hosting.

VLANs & VPS Networks Guide https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/vlans-vps-networks-guide/ Tue, 30 Jan 2024 20:11:47 +0000 https://www.hivelocity.net/?post_type=hv_knowledgebase&p=31119 A virtual local area network (VLAN) is a way of creating multiple logical networks on a single physical network. A VLAN can group devices or users based on different criteria, such as function, location, or security level. Devices in the same VLAN can communicate with each other directly, while devices in different VLANs need a …

VLANs & VPS Networks Guide Read More »

The post VLANs & VPS Networks Guide appeared first on Hivelocity Hosting.

A virtual local area network (VLAN) is a way of creating multiple logical networks on a single physical network. A VLAN can group devices or users based on different criteria, such as function, location, or security level. Devices in the same VLAN can communicate with each other directly, while devices in different VLANs need a router or a switch to communicate. 

VLANs can improve network performance, security, and management by reducing broadcast traffic, isolating sensitive data, and simplifying network design and deployment. VLANs use tags to identify which network frames belong to which VLAN as they follow the IEEE 802.1Q standard, which specifies a 32-bit field that contains a VLAN identifier (VID) ranging from 1 to 4094. 

One of the greatest benefits of using a VLAN between your devices, other than the security and direct communication between your servers, is that the traffic being sent back and forth is not counted against your public traffic quota as the VLAN traffic goes through a different interface. This article will take you through setting up a VLAN using the automated system within the customer portal that will allow you to connect dedicated servers with your VPSs or go over setting up a VPS network to connect just the VPSs along with how to set those up within the operating system itself.


Connecting Dedicated Servers and Virtual Private Servers (VPS) Using a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) 

This process describes creating a VLAN that can be used between your physical dedicated servers and your virtual private servers (VPS). The steps here can also assist you with using the automated system to create a VLAN for your dedicated servers only as well.

1. Head over to Hivelocity.net and log in to the customer portal.

2. Once you’ve gone through the login process. The screen below will appear, listing all of your current devices. 

  1. You can note which device is VPS and which is a dedicated server by looking at the “Type” column as needed.

Devices page showing all of your assigned devices.

3. Proceed to select the “Networking” tab on the left side menu followed by selecting “VLANs”. 


  1. The VLANs page displays any active VLANs that you’ve configured through the portal.


4. Proceed to create a new VLAN by pressing the “Create New VLAN” button. Here you will be able to select between a “Public” and “Private” VLAN type and location.

    1. VLAN Type
      1. Choose “Public” if you want to be able to assign IPs to the VLAN to make it reachable from the internet.
      2. Choose “Private” if the VLAN should never be reachable from the internet.
      3. Note that all VLANs are subject to traffic billing and overages, except for private VLAN traffic on unbonded devices.
    2. Location
      1. This would be the facility where the VLAN will be created. 
      2. Only devices and subnets from the same facility are allowed in the VLANs. 

5. For this example we will use “LAX2” as there are 3 devices at that location (1x Dedicated 2x VPS) and select Private as we wish to create a private VLAN.

6. Proceed to make the selections as above and press the “ADD VLAN” button.

Creating a new VLAN.

VLANs page displaying the newly created VLAN.


7. Now that we’ve created a VLAN tag, we can head over to the “VPS Networks” tab. This is where we can create a network between the VPSs and our physical devices.

VPS Networks page where you can view and create VPS networks to connect your VPSs.

VPS networks page displaying the newly created VPS network.

8. Proceed to press the “Add VPS Network” button. 

9. Fill in the required information that will include the VLAN tag we created and the relevant location to that VLAN tag, followed by pressing “Add Network”.


VPS Network Form.

VPS networks page displaying the newly created VPS network.

10. Now that we’ve created the VPS network, proceed to press on its title to configure it further.

  1. Note that we have the VPS network connected to the VLAN that we created earlier as per the green icon under “vLAN Connection”.

Configuration page for the VPS network that was created. Here we will add a new VPS
device to the VPS network.


11. Press on “Add VPS Device” and select each of the devices that are in that location.

VPS Network device selection.

12. Once submitted per device, you will see a message at the top of the screen saying that the task is pending, followed by a green confirmation once done after about a minute. Proceed to perform the task for each device required to be added to the VPS network.

VPS Automation Task Pending

VPS Automation Task Completed

13. The next step is to check if your server has a bond setup for redundancy as that would require breaking it to allow the device to be connected via the VLAN we created. Start by heading over to the device page and selecting“interfaces”.

Interfaces page displaying the current bond setup on the device, if present

14. Proceed to select the “Remove“ button for the relevant IP that is on the bond. 

15. Proceed to select the “Unbond“ button to remove the bond now that the IP has been removed. 

16. Once the operation is completed for both steps above, you will be met with two new interfaces “eth0” and “eth1” instead of the “bond0” that was present previously.

Interfaces page where changes to the interfaces are made.

17. Proceed to select the previous IP that was on “bond0” for the public interface (eth0), and the VLAN tag # that we’ve created previously in this guide for the private interface (eth1).

Interfaces page displaying available values to be set for each interface.

18. Press “ADD” for each one selected to perform the required actions.

Confirmation that the VLAN tag and public IPs have been set on the relevant interface.

19. To confirm that the device was added properly to the VLAN, head over to the “Networking” tab, “VLANs”, and view the VLAN tag we’re using in this article.

Confirming that the dedicated device is connected to the right interface with the correct VLAN.

20. Pressing on the ID # we can view the connected interfaces and view that our dedicated device’s private interface (eth1) is indeed connected to this VLAN.

Confirming that the VLAN is using the correct private interface of the dedicated device.

21. Going back to the “VPS Network” tab within “Networking” we can confirm that the VPS network is also connected to the VLAN we created thus concluding our work of creating a private network between a dedicated device and VPS via the customer portal.

Confirming that the VPS Network is connected to the correct VLAN.

Creating a VPS Network Among Your VPSs (VLAN Between VPSs)

This process describes creating a VLAN that can be used between your virtual private servers (VPS) only.

1. Head over to Hivelocity.net and log in to the customer portal.

2. Once you’ve gone through the login process. The screen below will appear, listing all of your current devices. 


Devices page showing all of your assigned devices.


3. Proceed to select the “Networking” tab on the left side menu followed by selecting “VPS Networks”, and pressing the “ADD VPS Network” button.

VPS Networks page where you can view and create VPS networks to connect your VPSs.


4. Fill in the required information. As these steps are for VPS network only, we will not select a VLAN tag. Once completed, press “Add Network”.

VPS Network Form.


5. Now that a new VPS network is created, proceed to press on the VPS network name to edit it and add the VPSs.

Configuration page for the VPS network that was created. Here we will add a new VPS
device to the VPS network.



6. Press the “Add VPS Device” as shown above and select your devices (At least 2) from the VPS network location.

VPS Network device selection.

7. That’s it, now the devices can communicate on the private network with each other without having any bandwidth taken from your public traffic pool.


Configuring Private IPs Within the OS for VLAN Connected Devices 

Now that you have a private network between your two VPSs, you can communicate privately among them without having to dip into your public traffic quota.

To configure the private network between your VPSs, it is recommended that you contact Hivelocity Support team members by calling 888-869-4678, creating a support ticket via the customer portal, or reaching out via chat through the Hivelocity.net portal.

If you would like to proceed on your own, an example is shown below with two AlmaLinux 9 in the displayed split screen.


1. Login to your VPSs as root and use the command ip a to view that you now have “eth1” interface for private communication.

Split view of both servers and their ip a command output.


2. Use the command nmtui to alter the network configuration on eth1.

nmtui command’s GUI displaying the NetworkManager connection editing options.


3. Press on “Edit a Connection” and select “Wired Connection 1” followed by selecting “<Edit…> to proceed.

nmtui command’s GUI displaying the NetworkManager connection editing options for the private interface.


4. For example, we will use /24 so any IP address changes will be made only in the last octet. 

    1. Select IPv4 Configuration – “Manual”
    2. The first device will be
    3. The second device will be

nmtui command’s GUI displaying the NetworkManager connection options.


5. Once done with the above, press “OK” and head back by pressing the Escape key once. 

6. Proceed to select “Activate a connection”.

7. Select “Wired Connection 1” under “Ethernet (eth1) and Press on “Deactivate” followed by “Activate”. 

8. Press the Escape key until you are back in the shell.

9. Now use the command ip a to see the new IP information we’ve added.

Split view of both servers and their ip a command output with the newly added private IP.


10. Test the connection by pinging using the ping command to each device from one another. 


Ping output of both servers pinging each other to display a successful private connection over the new VPS network.

The post VLANs & VPS Networks Guide appeared first on Hivelocity Hosting.

VPS Snapshot – How to Create and Schedule a Snapshot https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/vps-snapshot-how-to-create-and-schedule-a-snapshot/ Wed, 20 Dec 2023 16:05:48 +0000 https://www.hivelocity.net/?post_type=hv_knowledgebase&p=30932 Introduction Virtual Machine (VM) snapshots are a feature of virtualization software that allows you to capture the state of a VM at a specific point in time. VPS snapshot is a copy of a virtual machine and are useful for creating checkpoints of the state of a VM at a specific point in time. They …

VPS Snapshot – How to Create and Schedule a Snapshot Read More »

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Virtual Machine (VM) snapshots are a feature of virtualization software that allows you to capture the state of a VM at a specific point in time. VPS snapshot is a copy of a virtual machine and are useful for creating checkpoints of the state of a VM at a specific point in time. They can be used for development and testing purposes but should not be used as a replacement for backups.

Creating and Scheduling a VPS Snapshot

To create a snapshot of your VPS, proceed with the following steps.

  1. Head over to Hivelocity.net and login to the customer portal.

2. Once you’ve gone through the login process. The screen below will appear, listing all of your current devices.

    1. You can note which device is VPS and which is a dedicated server by looking at the “Type” column as needed.myV Portal

3. Press on the device ID you wish to upgrade, for this example, we will select device 32519 from the list above.

4.  Press on the “Snapshots” tab where you will be presented with the option to create a snapshot .

Create a Snapshot in myV

5. A pop-up will appear where you could enter the disk you wish to create a snapshot of, and proceed to create a snapshot schedule or a one-time snapshot. As an example we will use the one-time snapshot.

create snapshot schedule or one-time snapshot

6. Press on “CREATE SNAPSHOT” and you will then be able to see the progress of the snapshot along with the ability to restore or delete the snapshot. 

7. Once the snapshot creating process is complete, you will then be able to press the “RESTORE” button to proceed with the restoration. 

    1. Note that this can only be done after powering down the VPS.

8. Deleting the snapshot can be done from the “Snapshot” page as well as necessary with multiple snapshots able to be created or scheduled. 

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VPS Custom ISO Management https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/vps-custom-iso-management/ Tue, 14 Nov 2023 18:19:18 +0000 https://www.hivelocity.net/?post_type=hv_knowledgebase&p=29239 Introduction An ISO file is an archive file that contains an identical copy of data found on an optical disc, such as a CD or DVD. ISO files are often used to distribute large programs and operating systems that are intended to be burned to an optical disc or mounted as a virtual disc. A …

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An ISO file is an archive file that contains an identical copy of data found on an optical disc, such as a CD or DVD. ISO files are often used to distribute large programs and operating systems that are intended to be burned to an optical disc or mounted as a virtual disc. A virtual disc is a software simulation of a physical disc that can be accessed by applications as if it were a real disc.


The VPS can use an ISO file as a source of installation media or as a virtual disc drive. To use an ISO file in your VPS, you will need to attach the ISO file to the virtual CD/DVD drive of the VM. The instructions below will explain how to do so in the Hivelocity customer portal.

Custom ISO Management

To upload and manage ISOs with your VPS, proceed with the following steps.

1. Head over to Hivelocity.net and login to the customer portal.

2. Once you’ve gone through the login process. The screen below will appear, listing all of your current devices. 

    1. You can note which device is VPS and which is a dedicated server by looking at the “Type” column as needed.

3. Click on the device ID you wish to upgrade, for this example, we will select device 31497 from the list above.

4. In the next page, proceed to select “Custom ISOs”.

5. In the next page you will be able to view existing ISOs that are able to be used with all of your VMs as those are account-wide, along with the option to upload an ISO, as marked in the image below.

6. Once you’ve clicked on the “Upload ISO” button, a popup window will appear where you will be required to enter the details and link of the ISO, along with checking the box if the ISO is bootable.

7. Click the “Register” button and the ISO will begin to upload to your VPS portal, as shown below.

8. Once the upload is complete, you will be able to view, attach, and delete the ISO as needed.

9. Continue to click the “ATTACH” button on the ISO you’ve uploaded.

10. You will be prompted to confirm if you wish to attach that ISO to your VPS, confirm if accurate.

11. A confirmation message will appear once the attachment has been completed. A CD icon will appear next to the ISO to indicate that it is attached to your system as well.

12. Proceed to reboot your VPS and click the “Console” button to view the VPS with the attached ISO.

13. Once you’re done with the ISO, proceed to click on the “DETACH” button and proceed to restart your VPS.


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My VPS’s Virtual Console is not Working – What Can I Do? https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/my-vpss-virtual-console-is-not-working-what-can-i-do/ Wed, 13 Sep 2023 13:43:38 +0000 https://www.hivelocity.net/?post_type=hv_knowledgebase&p=28724 A VPS is a virtual machine that runs on a shared physical server with other VPSs. A virtual console of a VPS is a feature that allows you to access and control your virtual private server (VPS) from Hivelocity using a web browser. If you are currently experiencing issues with your VPS virtual console, please …

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Hivelocity VPS

A VPS is a virtual machine that runs on a shared physical server with other VPSs. A virtual console of a VPS is a feature that allows you to access and control your virtual private server (VPS) from Hivelocity using a web browser.

If you are currently experiencing issues with your VPS virtual console, please follow the instructions below in an attempt to resolve them.

Steps for Troubleshooting a Virtual Console

Attempt the following steps if you’re experiencing a VPS issue.

  1. Clearing your browser cache
    1. Google Chrome Instructions
    2. Microsoft Edge Instructions
    3. Mozilla Firefox Instructions
  2. Using a different browser – in an attempt to isolate the issue to the current browser being used.
  3. Using a different device – in an attempt to isolate the issue to the current device being used.
  4. Using a different Internet Service Provider – in an attempt to isolate the issue to the current internet service provider routes that are being used to reach your VPS.

In the event that the above did not help initializing the virtual console of your VPS, please reach out to the Hivelocity support team as they are available 24/7 to assist. The team can be reached by following the methods listed below.

  • Via Phone: Toll Free (888) 869-4678
  • Via Chat: You can use the chat feature on the website or from your customer portal once you’ve signed in to your account.
  • Via the Customer Portal: From within your customer portal you can press on the “Support” tab and proceed to create a support ticket to our support team.

– by Pascal Suissa

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The Pros and Cons of the Operating Systems Offered with Your VPS https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/the-pros-and-cons-of-the-operating-systems-offered-with-your-vps/ Wed, 13 Sep 2023 13:42:38 +0000 https://www.hivelocity.net/?post_type=hv_knowledgebase&p=28726 An operating system is a software that manages the hardware and software resources of a computer. It provides a common interface for applications to interact with the hardware, and performs tasks such as memory management, process scheduling, file system management, security, and networking. Some examples of popular operating systems are Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and …

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An operating system is a software that manages the hardware and software resources of a computer. It provides a common interface for applications to interact with the hardware, and performs tasks such as memory management, process scheduling, file system management, security, and networking. Some examples of popular operating systems are Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS.

You can load any OS of choice on your VPS using the custom ISO management feature within the customer portal, however, Hivelocity offers a wide selection of operating systems for you to choose from. A short explanation of each is detailed below for you when considering which OS to install on your Hivelocity VPS.

Offered Operating Systems

The image below displays the currently available operating systems to choose from when reloading your VPS. Note that the offered items on the list can change at any time so what is listed below might be slightly different than what you are seeing on the website. We will attempt to update this list as soon as changes become available.

Screen shot of available operating systems

Pros and Cons of Each OS offered With Your VPS

Rocky Linux

Please review the recent announcements made by Red Hat and how it is affecting Rocky Linux in the following article – https://rockylinux.org/news/2023-06-22-press-release/.

Rocky Linux is a community-driven Linux distribution that aims to provide a stable, secure, and reliable alternative to CentOS, which has shifted its focus to CentOS Stream. Rocky Linux is compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and inherits its features and benefits. However, Rocky Linux also has some drawbacks that users should consider before choosing it as their server operating system.

Some of the pros of using Rocky Linux server version are:

  • Free and open source, which means users can modify, distribute, and contribute to the project without any restrictions or fees.
  • Compatible with RHEL and CentOS, which means users can easily migrate their existing applications and data to Rocky Linux without any major changes.
  • Supported by a large and active community of developers, testers, and users who are committed to maintaining the stability and security of the distribution.
  • long-term support (LTS) for each release, which means users can enjoy regular updates and patches for up to 10 years.

Some of the cons of using Rocky Linux server version are:

  • Relatively new and untested, which means it may have some bugs or issues that are not yet resolved or reported.
  • May not have all the features or packages that users need or want, especially if they are looking for cutting-edge or experimental technologies.
  • May not have official or commercial support from vendors or providers, which means users may have to rely on the community or third-party sources for help or guidance.


Please review the recent announcements made by Red Hat and how it is affecting AlmaLinux in the following article – https://almalinux.org/blog/future-of-almalinux/.

AlmaLinux is a free and open-source Linux distribution that aims to provide a stable and secure server operating system. It is binary compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), which means that it can run the same software and packages as RHEL. However, unlike RHEL, AlmaLinux does not require a subscription or license fee to use. This makes it an attractive option for users who want to enjoy the benefits of RHEL without paying for it.

However, AlmaLinux also has some drawbacks that users should be aware of. One of them is that AlmaLinux is relatively new and has not been tested as extensively as RHEL. This means that there may be some bugs or compatibility issues that have not been discovered or fixed yet. Another drawback is that AlmaLinux does not have the same level of support and documentation as RHEL. Users may have to rely on the community forums or third-party vendors for help and guidance. Additionally, AlmaLinux may not receive the same security updates and patches as RHEL, which could expose users to potential vulnerabilities and threats.

Some of the advantages of using AlmaLinux server version are:

  • Supported by a large and active community of developers and users, who can provide help and feedback.
  • Free and open source, which means that anyone can use it without paying any fees or licenses.
  • Regularly updated and maintained, which ensures that it has the latest security patches and bug fixes.

However, AlmaLinux server version also has some drawbacks, such as:

  • Relatively new, which means that it may have some compatibility issues or bugs that are not yet resolved.
  • May not have some features or functionalities that are available in other Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu or Debian.
  • May require some technical skills and knowledge to install and configure, especially for beginners or non-experts.


Debian is one of the most popular Linux distributions for servers. It is known for its stability, security, and large software repository.

Some of the advantages of using debian server version are:

  • Long support cycle, which means that it receives security updates and bug fixes for several years after its release.
  • Minimal installation option, which allows users to customize their system according to their needs and preferences.
  • Strong community support, which provides helpful resources and documentation for users and developers.

However, debian server version also has some drawbacks, such as:

  • Slower release cycle, which means that it may not have the latest versions of some software packages or features.
  • Strict policy on free software, which excludes some proprietary or non-free software from its official repository.
  • Steep learning curve, which may require users to have some technical knowledge and skills to configure and maintain their system.


Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions for servers, and for good reasons. It offers a stable, secure, and easy-to-use platform that can run various applications and services.

Some of the pros of using Ubuntu server version are:

  • Large and active community that provides support, documentation, and updates.
  • Long-term support (LTS) release cycle that ensures stability and compatibility for five years.
  • Rich repository of software packages that can be installed with a simple command.
  • Flexible and customizable system that can be tailored to specific needs and preferences.

Some of the cons of using Ubuntu server version are:

  • May not be compatible with some hardware or software that are designed for other Linux distributions or operating systems.
  • May require more resources than other Linux distributions, especially if using a graphical user interface (GUI).
  • May have some security vulnerabilities that need to be patched regularly.
  • May have some bugs or issues that affect its performance or functionality.

Windows Server

Windows Server is a family of operating systems developed by Microsoft that are designed to run on servers. Windows Server offers various features and benefits for businesses, such as security, reliability, scalability, and compatibility. However, Windows Server also has some drawbacks, such as cost, complexity, and vulnerability.

Some of the pros of using Windows Server are:

  • Widely used and supported by many applications and hardware vendors, which makes it easier to find compatible solutions and troubleshoot issues.
  • User-friendly interface and familiar tools, such as PowerShell, Active Directory, and Group Policy, which can simplify administration and management tasks.
  • Built-in security features, such as Windows Defender, BitLocker, and Firewall, which can help protect the server from malware, data breaches, and network attacks.
  • High availability and scalability options, such as failover clustering, load balancing, and virtualization, which can improve performance and reliability.

Some of the cons of using Windows Server are:

  • Expensive to purchase and maintain, as it requires licensing fees, hardware upgrades, and regular updates.
  • Can be complex to configure and operate, as it involves many components and settings that can affect the functionality and security of the server.
  • Vulnerable to cyberattacks, as it is a popular target for hackers and malware. Windows Server also has a history of bugs and vulnerabilities that can compromise the server.

– by Pascal Suissa

The post The Pros and Cons of the Operating Systems Offered with Your VPS appeared first on Hivelocity Hosting.

Where Can I Find My VPS Usage Statistics and What Do They Mean? https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/where-can-i-find-my-vps-usage-statistics-and-what-do-they-mean/ Wed, 13 Sep 2023 13:41:37 +0000 https://www.hivelocity.net/?post_type=hv_knowledgebase&p=28730 VPS usage statistics can help users monitor their server performance and resource consumption. Some of the common metrics that Hivelocity VPS users can track are CPU utilization, memory utilization, disk utilization, and CPU load values. These statistics can help users optimize their server configuration, troubleshoot issues, and plan for future growth. To view the usage …

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VPS usage statistics can help users monitor their server performance and resource consumption. Some of the common metrics that Hivelocity VPS users can track are CPU utilization, memory utilization, disk utilization, and CPU load values.

These statistics can help users optimize their server configuration, troubleshoot issues, and plan for future growth. To view the usage statistics of your Hivelocity VPS, proceed with the steps below.

Viewing the VPS Usage Statistics

To view your VPS usage statistics, proceed with the following steps.

  1. Head over to Hivelocity.net and login to the customer portal.
  2. Once you’ve gone through the login process. The screen below will appear, listing all of your current devices.
    1. You can note which device is VPS and which is a dedicated server by looking at the “Type” column as needed.
      Screen shot of VPS devices
  3. Press on the device ID you wish to view the usage statistics with, for this example, we will select device 31498 from the list above.
  4. In the next screen, you can view further information regarding your VPS along with the option to press the “Metrics” link.
  5. Once you’ve pressed the “Metrics” link, you will be directed to the page below which will display usage statistics involving your VPS.
    1. Note that there is another section on the page involving disk utilization.
      Screen Shot of VPS Metrics
  6. The usage statistics can be filtered to display value from Today, Yesterday, 30 Days, and a custom range.

  7. The following four sections are available to view usage statistics.

    1. Server Load – Will display a measure of how much work a server is performing at that given time. A high server load can result in poor performance and slow response time.

      1. More information about server load can be found in the following article – https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/understanding-the-server-load-metric/.

    2. CPU Utilization – Will display the percentage of the server’s processing power used by applications and processes running on it

    3. Memory Utilization – Will display the usage value of the available memory resources in the system.

    4. Disk Utilization – Will display the disk usage values as the drive is used by the system.


It is important to note that some or all data may fail to report, particularly after a new provision or reinstall. For information involving current usage values, please reach out to the Hivelocity’s Support team to retrieve the information as needed.

– by Pascal Suissa

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Where Can I Find My New VPS User Credentials? https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/where-can-i-find-my-new-vps-user-credentials/ Wed, 13 Sep 2023 13:40:53 +0000 https://www.hivelocity.net/?post_type=hv_knowledgebase&p=28734 Congratulations on acquiring a new VPS with Hivelocity. As you are eager to begin working with your VPS, the login information, involving a username and password, will be required for server access. The information below will describe how to acquire the new VPS credentials. Reviewing My VPS Credentials To view your new VPS credentials, proceed …

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Congratulations on acquiring a new VPS with Hivelocity. As you are eager to begin working with your VPS, the login information, involving a username and password, will be required for server access. The information below will describe how to acquire the new VPS credentials.

Reviewing My VPS Credentials

To view your new VPS credentials, proceed with the following steps.

  1. Head over to Hivelocity.net and login to the customer portal.
  2. Once you’ve gone through the login process. The screen below will appear, listing all of your current devices.
    1. You can note which device is VPS and which is a dedicated server by looking at the “Type” column as needed.
      Screen shot of VPS devices
  3. Press on the device ID you wish to upgrade, for this example, we will select device 31498 from the list above.
  4. Note that in the next page, marked “Device Details”, you will find a blue bar in the middle of the screen with the text “View Temporary Login Details”, as shown below.
    Screen shot of VPS Device Details
  5. Pressing on the text in the blue bar will display your new VPS credentials. Note that you can then proceed to use the Virtual Console to gain access to the new system or use the SSH information to proceed.
    VPS temporary login details

– by Pascal Suissa

The post Where Can I Find My New VPS User Credentials? appeared first on Hivelocity Hosting.

My VPS Order is Taking Too Long – What Can I Do? https://www.hivelocity.net/kb/my-vps-order-is-taking-too-long-what-can-i-do/ Wed, 13 Sep 2023 13:39:08 +0000 https://www.hivelocity.net/?post_type=hv_knowledgebase&p=28713 Congratulations on purchasing a virtual private server from Hivelocity! Our system will normally process the provisioning of your system in a timely manner. Rarely, it can happen that the provisioning process of your VPS can take a little longer than expected, and that can be very frustrating. Do not worry, our Support team is available …

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Congratulations on purchasing a virtual private server from Hivelocity! Our system will normally process the provisioning of your system in a timely manner. Rarely, it can happen that the provisioning process of your VPS can take a little longer than expected, and that can be very frustrating. Do not worry, our Support team is available 24/7 to assist with your order.

There are few things you could do to check on the current state of your VPS order. Please view the steps below to assist you in inspecting the order.

Inspecting the VPS Order Status

  1. Head over to Hivelocity.net and log in to myVelocity.
  2. Once you’ve gone through the login process. The screen below will appear, listing all of your current devices, along with your most recent orders.
    Screenshot of an order during the provisioning process.

  3. In the event that this process is taking longer than you expect or are familiar with, you can reach out to our team via the following methods. Once you’ve contracted a Hivelocity team member, they can then inspect the status of the order and assist with moving it along.
    1. Via Phone: Toll Free (888) 869-4678
    2. Via Chat: You can use the chat feature on the website or from your customer portal once you’ve signed in to your account.
    3. Via the Customer Portal: From within your customer portal you can press on the “Support” tab and proceed to create a support ticket to our support team.
  1. – by Pascal Suissa

The post My VPS Order is Taking Too Long – What Can I Do? appeared first on Hivelocity Hosting.
