
Blog & News

Illustration detailing the relationship between Hivelocity, the cloud, and bare metal
Hivelocity News

Bare Metal Cloud? The Case for Dedicated Server Hardware

As more organizations seek an alternative to the outrageous data egress fees and inherent risks of the cloud, many forward-thinking companies are turning to dedicated server hardware and bare metal clouds as their digital infrastructure solution. With increased processing power, improved reliability, greater customization opportunities, and thousands of dollars in …

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CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) logo

CNCF: Open-Source Cloud Native Solutions

As technology grows increasingly reliant on the cloud and lightweight containerization solutions like Docker and Kubernetes, a need for vendor-neutral, cross-platform software solutions has led to the creation of an organization known as the CNCF. But who are the CNCF and why have they made providing open-source, cloud native solutions …

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An image of the Kubernetes' logo, a seven-spoked steering wheel
Hivelocity News

Hybrid Cloud Kubernetes Clusters

As containerization technology has grown increasingly essential in the development of cloud-native applications, one solution in particular has risen to prominence. Kubernetes, Google’s open-source, container orchestration framework, has shown unprecedented growth and user-adoption in the seven years since its release. While there are many reasons for this, one of the …

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Icon of a cloud and a padlock, symbolizing the concept of vendor lock-in
Hivelocity News

Escaping Cloud Vendor Lock-In

As the cloud grows more prolific, companies are increasingly relying on pre-packaged solutions offered by major public cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Unfortunately, many users are beginning to realize that beneath this veneer of convenience lurks a much less convenient truth. The reality is, cloud vendor lock-in …

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Hivelocity News

Hivelocity Expands API with Cloud-init Integration

Hivelocity, premium provider of private cloud and bare metal dedicated server solutions, is pleased to announce, as part of its expanding public RESTful API, all Hivelocity dedicated servers now offer single-click configuration with cloud-init. “This represents a great step forward for us and for our customers,” says Steve Eschweiler, COO …

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Hivelocity News

Can Terraform Automate Your Hybrid Cloud?

It’s undeniable. IaC tools like Terraform and Ansible are revolutionizing the way we build and interact with large-scale infrastructure. But why? What is Terraform, and what about it makes this tool so essential? As you may already be aware, it’s become increasingly common for companies to utilize not one cloud …

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Cover image showing the Cloud-init and Hivelocity Logos
Hivelocity News

Cloud-init: Automate Your Server Configuration

As we continue expanding the functionality and convenience of our new public RESTful API, Hivelocity is pleased to announce our bare metal dedicated servers now offer instant configuration with cloud-init support. As the industry-standard for customizing cloud instances, cloud-init means our customers can now configure their dedicated servers with the …

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